Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week Five: I've Fallen, and I can't Tweet Up!

So there I was feeling young after mountain biking to the top of a hill in Mission Trails Regional Park early Sunday morning. . .and there I was again, just trying to put my pants on Monday morning when I fell over like a tipped cow and tweaked my back. . .After I waddle into class, I will do my best to remain upright this evening ;-(

Anyway, tonight I will not only show you how to convert your newsletters to PDF (if you haven't already), but we will be uploading the newsletter to your blog using a web 2.0 tool called Scribd. I will also show you how to embed your Delicious.com tags into the margin of your blog. I have released the Emerging Technology assignment on Web CT, but notice that it isn't actually due until the last day of class. We will also go over PowerPoint tonight, which requires that we familiarize ourselves with the NETS for students and the NETS student profiles
NOTE: Weren't you all supposed to do your Intro to TaskSteam? I only had 4 submissions????

Journal 4 & 5: Now that you are familiar with L&L on the ISTE website, I would like you to search previous issues to find an article that both relates to something we have covered or will cover in class, and something you will find interesting. Don't forget to use the Citation Machine to cite your article in the journal post. And Jamie would like to remind everyone to construct two original questions/answers for each entry. Remember: journal 5 is not required, it can be completed as extra credit.

This week's question:
What is your favorite sport to play or do. . .and by sport, I mean anything that you participate in that keeps you active. Mine is for sure snowboarding!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Intro to TaskStream Assignment

Week Four: Feeling Social?

Looks like we are 1/4 of the way through the semester. . .perhaps time really does fly. I hope everyone has her TaskStream in order and has self-enrolled into the local TPEs and the TPAs (codes on the first journal entry). Sadly, there are a few of you who have not filled out the TaskStream signup survey on the blog, so you may not be able to request feedback for awhile :-(

You should also be working on your journals and newsletter. Hopefully, the intro letter, EdTechProfile, and the Scan are in your rear view mirror! Oh, yeah. . .I would also like everyone to use Twitter with the #ed422 hashtag or use Edmodo to ask any questions about the class or assignments. If you have a personal question or issue, feel free to use WebCT email. . .

This week. I hope to get deeper into TaskStream with you (while I also familiarize myself with the new interface ;-) We will also begin the social bookmarking assignment, which I think everyone will enjoy! And if time permits, we will take a closer look at the ISTE NETS!! I know, how can you all be sooo lucky.

Journal 3:
Last article from the current issue (Sep/Oct 09) of L&L: "Walk, Fly, or Teleport to Learning," by Maureen Brown Yoder. I wonder if any of you have ventured into Second Life? Yeah, I know, most of us are having enough trouble with our first lives ;-)

This week's Question: Who is your current favorite artist (painter, sculptor, etc.) or what is your favorite piece of art? Provide a link to the piece if possible. Can you name my favorite?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Got TaskStream?

Watch the video in the previous post to learn how to self-enroll. . .The self-enroll codes can be found on the first blog post.

Taskstream SignUp - Courtesy of Russ Bird

Taskstream sign up for CSUSM from rbirdcsusm on Vimeo.

Week Three: Getting your Geek on!

Wow, blogging, tweeting, and photoboothing. . .sounds more like something from another planet, doesn't it? Everyone seems to be doing well getting comfortable with the computer and using it in class. Don't forget that I am always in class early if you have any questions or concerns about an assignment, your computer, or something you found on the Internet.

This week: I hope you have scanned your self-portrait (or had someone draw a portrait of you). I will show you how to put the picture on your blog. We will also use the picture in the creation of your classroom newsletter, which we will begin in class tonight. I also hope to get you introduced to TaskStream (and show you how to self-enroll in the two required programs) and the ISTE NETS for both students and teachers.

Jornal 2: "Grounded Tech Integration," by Harris & Hoffer. This is in the September/October 09 issue of L&L. I realize that this may be a bit too much for students who are far away from becoming teachers, but an introduction to an idea of how to best integrate technology into the curriculum is a great way to get you to see that simply having a computer or being a proficient user doesn't equate to student success.

This Week's Question: Who has been your favorite teacher (at any grade level) and why?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week Two: Did Tweety Bird Invent Twitter?

After a whirlwind first week, I hope that you are all settled into the new semester and somewhat excited about learning how to integrate technology into your liferooms = life + classroom (I admit, I have a little trouble separating my work and personal life. . .)

We will start off class by reviewing/visiting our blogs and discussing how to add pictures and how to comment on your peers' blogs. As of Monday evening, I only have about half the class's blog addresses. . .no big deal, we'll fix that tomorrow. Also, I will show you how to submit your edtechprofile (with the screen selection command on the Mac)

New Assignments: we'll discuss the Journal Article 1-5 assignment and the scan. . .I also want to discuss iGoogle, RSS, Twitter, Edmodo, and Photobooth. . .fun will be had by all, I promise ;-)

Journal 1: "e-Learning Programs Come in All Shapes and Sizes," by Coyle, Jones, and Pickle from the current issue of L&L

Don't forget to subcribe to ISTE and TaskStream ASAP!!

This week's Question: What is the best book you ever read for school? Explain.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Instructions: Publishing a Blog

Use the following Instructions to create your very own blog! Ensure you follow the naming convention outlined below. . .and pay attention to your blog's url! Click in the upper right box in the document to make it expend to a full page!!

Publishing a Blog General Instructions

Intro Letter Instructions!

Write a three-paragraph letter of introduction to me and your classmates that you will post on your class blog. You can see a sample Intro Letter of yours truly below!!

1st paragraph: Introduce who you are, where you are from, and where you went to school (K-12) and college.

2nd paragraph: Give an overview of your experience with technology. Are you a Mac or PC person? How much do you depend on technology on a daily basis? New question for technology: which version of Microsoft Office are you using the most (with the Office 07 release for PC and 08 release for Mac, the transition is not an easy one for most people. . .and some of my instructions will need to be modified depending on the version you are able to access!)

3rd paragraph:
Read the CSUSM/COE Mission Statement (It’s on the syllabus) and respond to any part of the statement that speaks to you. Was it a factor in your decision to apply at CSUSM?

Include a digital picture of yourself on the blog.

Also, comment on at least three other peers' blogs.

To submit in webCT: include your blog link and the names of the peers whose blogs you commented on.

Grading: Three points for the intro/pic on blog; two points for peer comments.

Introducing. . .Me! (Sample Intro Letter)

My name is Jeffery Heil and I am from, well, I'm not sure. I was born in Las Vegas, NV and lived there until I was two years old. Then I moved to Phoenix, AZ and lived there until first grade. . .then I moved back and forth from Seattle, WA (actually, Marysville, but no one outside of the NW knows the city) to Phoenix, AZ. I attended quite a few elementary schools in Phoenix and Marysville and then attended two high schools twice. I started high school in Marysville, moved to Phoenix, moved back to Marysville, then moved back to Phoenix to finish high school. I have attended almost every college in San Diego. . .but I received a BA in Philosophy from UCSD, my teaching credential from National University (awesome synchronized swimming team!), and my MA from SDSU in Liberal Arts & Sciences. I also dropped out of a doctoral program at Pepperdine University. . .if you think it's expensive to see a doctor, try earning one at a private university ;-)

My experiences with technology are varied. I had little or no experience until I began college, then I developed a love of computers. I am proficient in many different programs from basic word processing to advanced video editing. I have been teaching educational technology for the last 5+ years and I love to show people how to integrate technology into their teaching! I am currently a technology resource teacher for the San Diego County Office of Education's Juvenile Court and Community Schools, where I assist teachers in their use of technology to support student learning. Oh yeah, I am a Mac. My district is moving toward almost exclusively PCs, so I have been forced to go to the DarkSide during the day, but I guess it has made me more of a well-rounded computer geek ;-)

The mission statement of the CSUSM/COE was a factor in my decision to apply to be a distinguished teacher in residence (DTiR). As a San Diego County Office of Education employee, working for the Juvenile Court and Community Schools, I have been very committed to ensure educational equity for all students. The academic achievement gap isn't something that will go away with positive thoughts, but through hard work and dedication from everyone involved in the education of our students. I see CSUSM as an institution dedicated to producing educators who can affect positive change as we transform public education! Technology can be a great medium for social change, which I hope to model for you this fall!

Welcome to Ed 422. . .

Welcome to another awesome semester of EDUC 422. . .Technology Tools for Education. I expect that you you learn a lot about how to integrate technology into the classroom, as well as learn how to ramp-up your digital life ;-)

I will use this blog to keep everyone updated on the weekly requirements for the course, as well as model for you how to create a blog for your future classroom!

Technical Issues: While this course has no required text, you will be required to subscribe to ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education (see link on this blog), as well as purchase a subscription to TaskStream, an online portfolio generator.

For TaskStream
(also linked on this blog): You will need to self-enroll in two separate portfolios. Here are the codes you will need:
Local: 6SG3BA

I will also ask you weekly questions on this blog that you will need to answer. Some are related to education and most are related you your lives. . .It allows me to build community while ensuring that you are reading the weekly posts!

This Week's Question:
What is your current favorite piece of technology and why? (mine is most definitely my iPhone!)