Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 8: Just Breathe!

Attention: no class October 20! Please leave a tweet on #ed422 on Twitter that you received this message

I mentioned last week in class that I have a meeting tomorrow that would make me late to class. As I look over what is left, what you still have in progress, and the looks on your faces as I introduced two new assignments, I realize that you could all probably use a break to catch up.

What is currently due/in progress: Copyright collaborative assignment was due Oct 16. Please let me know if there are any questions (If you had Lupita in your group; she has some personal issues that required her to drop the course, so your group of 3 is now a two). There are also the journal 6-10 assignment, the Inspiration assignment, and the Classroom 2.0/Journal 7 assignment.
Emerging Technology: this is an ongoing attempt to embed all assignments in your blog. I will help you all periodically throughout the semester.

If you are a glutton for punishment, I have released the Spreadsheet/Excel assignment. I will discuss it next week, so you need not do anything. . .or you can go ahead and try and complete the assignment on your own. . .

Journal 8: "Have You Tweeted Today," which is also the Blogger's Beat on page 38 of the latest issue of L&L. It is only a one-page article; however, I would like you to also read one of the three resource articles at the bottom of the page and report out on that as well (if you access the online version, the links should take you right to the articles).

This Week's Question:
What is your current or all-time favorite teacher movie and why?


  1. My favorite teacher movie is "Music of the Heart" with Meryl Streep because it's the true story about a woman's struggle to create a music program for inner-city New York children. 10 years after building a successful program, her budget was cut. When her program was cut, Roberta Guaspari was invited along with her students to perform in Carnegie Hall with Isaac Stern and Itzhak Perlman, where fund were raised for her to establish a private music school (Opus 118) for underprivileged children in New York City, where she continues to give students the gift of learning to make music from the heart.

  2. I really like Robin Williams in "Dead Poet's Society." If you have not seen it, it's about a teacher who comes into an all boys school and helps to teach them how to love life, poetry and rebutting society. It shows people how important it is to stand up for what you believe in!

  3. My favorite teacher movie would have to be "The Ron Clark Story" I watched it in my education 350 class about a year ago and thought it was very inspiring. This was based on a true story and I thought it was great how the teacher developed ways to help his students learn and build relationships with them. I thought that his teaching was out of the box but very beneficial for his students. Very good movie! :)

  4. My all-time favorite teacher movie would have to be Mona Lisa Smile with Julia Roberts. It’s about a feminist teacher going to teach at a woman’s private college. Katherine Ann Watson (played by Roberts) encourages her students to have faith in themselves and to believe in their endless possibilities. She tries to teach her students that women can have successful careers and don’t have to conform to the stereotypes of the perfect house wife. However, throughout this movie Watson learns a lesson from her students. Some of her students want to be the perfect housewife and would prefer that in place of a career. Throughout this movie you see some students wanting to pursue a prestigious career while other students start establishing families. I love this movie because it teaches that everyone has their own path to follow and not one specific path is the right course for everyone. Many characters go in different directions in this movie because they are following and doing what makes them personally happy.

  5. My all time favoritwe teacher movie is "School of Rock." Jack Black os awesome and soooo funny. He changes all those kids lives and gets them to have fun and creates a role for everyone so that everyone in the class can use their talents for something and contribute to the rock band in some way. He made sure every one was involved and made them all feel like the had the most important job in the band. I LOVE this movie!

  6. One of my favorite teacher movies was "Freedom Writers". The storyline was so good and powerful, and the fact that the movie was based on a true story made the movie that much better. I thought Hilary Swank did a fabulous job of playing the teacher in the movie. She inspired her students to go above and beyond and for them to believe in themselves.

  7. I'm gonna have to go with anais on this one, I love "school of rock". It is such a fun film and Jack Black is so funny. The boys I work with all love this film, and it actually inspired them to learn to play guitar and drums :)

  8. I think mine is "Educating Rita" it's a movie about a women who goes back to university and tries to get through her exams to better her life, she gets into fights with her husband about wanting to go back to restart he education, and she helps turn her professors life around, and he actually begins to care about people. It shows how hard she had to try to go back to school, and also shows the effort it takes to go back to school. We were shown it because we were reading other books by Willy Russell (The writer), and also as an incentive to go to college because it would be harder to do in the future (although now I know that it is not true). :)

  9. I really don't know what my favorite teaching movie is. I would probably have to agree with Mona Lisa Smile. It is really inspirational for people to live above societal standards and to fight the constraints of education.

  10. My favorite all time teaching movie is "Kindergarten Cop". I love this movie and watch it whenever it is on TV. I think that Arnold Schwarzenegger is hilarious with the kids and I really like the pet ferret :)

  11. My favorite teacher would also have to be "School of Rock." I am not a big Jack Black fan but I absolutely loved this movie!!!

  12. It would have to be between Mr. Hand (Fast times at Ridgemont High) or Jack Black (school of Rock). I would like to Jack Black now at this point in my career and I would like to turn into Mr. Hand, just a salty old man.

  13. I don't watch much TV. TV was introduce to me when I was 10 years old; therefore I often find TV a bit overwhelming. Of teacher movies that I remember seeing were I think "Kindergarten Cop" with Arnold Schwarzenegger. This was a funny movie.

  14. I would have to agree with Ashley, Freedom Writer's was an great movie. It was inspiring because every one deserves a chance and that teacher had determination and was extremely strong.

  15. My favorite by far is Freedom Writers. Talk about a woman out of her element and still being able to reach out to the students!!! Awesome!
